When Shall Our Nightly Visions, Give Way to Mornings of Fulfillment?


Melancholic blues rings loud
On the alters of Nationhood
Mass-Servers in self-centred homilies
“Bless” our forlorn hopes
With sermons of democracy dividends

Wandering, wondering…

Normads on a journey to greenland
Sheep and Shepard in a sleepwalk
Wind-driven, like sails to neverland

Wandering, wondering…

Summits and talkshop
Outcomes a slogan: 2020!
More summits, more talkshops
Another slogan: 7 point agenda!
Still discussing, still planning
Another slogan: Due Process!

Wandering, wondering…

Another homily:
Blessed are those who talk
For from words did our world take root.
Blessed is the idle hand
For it shall lag and lack
Yes blessed is the one who steals and stores abroad
He shall truly be homeless
Wandering from clime to clime
And wondering good home could be

Wandering, wondering…

When shall we like the morning sun burst forth with light?
When shall we like the stream swirl with hope?
When shall talk cease and work increase?
When shall our nightly visions give way to mornings of fulfillment?

Wandering, wondering…

Bolaji Okusaga


Hard fact! Life is a jungle, only the strong survive. Google did not invent the search engine and Facebook did not invent the Social Media, but how come they define their category?

The answer is tenacity and tunnel vision. Truth is, being original or first is nothing – you can ask Apple and Yahoo, how their smart competitors, Samsung and Google overtook them.

In the race of life, nothing is fair. Life only compensates the SMART and the BRAVE. No one owes you a reason for your existence, we’ve all got to chart our own path, own it and keep milking it until a cycle ends and another begins; because truth is, no one is going to win all the time but you can make one victory last a lifetime!

Its all about OPPORTUNITIES and TAKING CHANCES. There are few chances, so only the strong survive. Its all a zero-sum game, one gets it, another loses it and the cycle begins again. Ever believed that there was a time when Google was going through a hard time in it early days and its founders were prepared to sell-off to Ask.com for a paltry $750,000? And guess what? Ask.com was not smart enough to see the opportuinity! A university Professor who saw the opportunity, invested his widows-might – $100,000 and in 10 years harvested over a billion dollars! Today, Ask.com is nowhere, but Google is soaring away. What does this mean anyway? Life is about risk taking, working smart and placing a bet on the future no matter how bleak it may initially seem. We need to keep dreaming


For some time now, story-telling has held a very interesting place in my heart and head. And to actually unravel this intriguing concept, I went on a journey of discovery…
I actually went to Disney world, not just to serenade my kids in the wonders of that little mouse called “Mickey”, I also wanted to get a sense of the size – the length, the breath and the depth – of the Empire of Walt Disney . And, oh, I saw enough to convince me, not just about the power of stories in connecting people and building relationships, I also saw enough that convinced me that stories indeed do change the world! I saw at Disney, a media empire transformed into a tourist haven, massive real estate, huge merchandise franchise and a money machine which pulls over 2 million people from around the world daily, with daily revenues in excess of 2 billion dollars (more than Nigeria’s daily Oil revenue from a sales quota of 1.8 million barrels of Crude Oil daily). From the the over 19 Resorts on site at Disney’s over 500 hectare estate, to Universal Studios, to the Pixar Animation Studio, to Epcot, to the Water-parks, to Animal Kingdom and Fantasy-land, I saw the power of story telling at play!
The most intriguing part was the vision defined by Walt Disney himself. He made a very interesting comment before his death in 1966, as the empire was growing bigger, He urged his successors not to forget that the entire Disney story actually started with a small mouse – “Mickey”.
Watching Shane Snow’s TEDx event on story telling, I came across the result of a poll where people picked the founder of Harry Potter, Joanne K. Rowling, over the Queen of England in terms of likeability and trust. Visiting Disney World, something snapped inside of me – stories indeed rule the world!