The National Assembly recently rejected the idea of having a part time legislature. The questions to ask are: How many days does the Legislature have sittings? What is the nature of committee work as well as oversight functions that cannot be done on a part basis? How many months of the year does the Assembly go on recess? What is the average attendance at sittings even when the House is in full session? Does the resource being expended on State and Federal Legislature reflect the quantum of work being done? Is it possible that we can be more efficient? Can the Legislators be remunerated on a per-sitting basis? Can we lower staffing ratio per Legislator so as to obtain cost savings? These are questions a patriotic legislature should ask rather than throwing away the proposal on part-time legislature. I believe that it is workable proposition which should first be adopted at state levels just as it is widely done in the United States and should be introduced eventually at the Federal level because, we have more developmental challenges for which we need to deploy our resources than to continue to carry an unwieldy Legislature that is a huge drain on our resources.

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